Well... probably, but it may not be easy. The best way to fix this kind of scenario is to avoid it in the first place by preparing as thoroughly as you can for your interview.
All companies and interviewers are different, but below is a list of tips that we at Skye Recruitment have gathered over the years that may not only make your life a little easier at interview, but also the above scenario less likely.
Before the Interview
- Look up where the interview is to be held and plan your journey. Give yourself longer than you think you need in order to get there.
- If, for any reason, you cannot avoid being late then phone the company in advance to let them know, and apologise to them and explain your reasons when you arrive.
- Find out about the company you are visiting. Look in trade magazines and make sure you are familiar with the company website. Whether you have visited the website and what you thought of it are common questions for interviewers to ask.
- Find out who will be interviewing you and how they fit into the company structure.
- Prepare some questions for the interview. This is your chance to find out about the job on offer, and shows that you are serious about the role.
- Prepare a copy of your CV or examples of your work to take to the interview.
- Dress smartly. Even if the company adopts casual dress it is good practice to turn up to the interview dressed to impress. Decide what you want to wear and prepare it the night before to avoid a last minute rush on the day of the interview.
- Drink alcohol or smoke immediately prior to your interview.
During the Interview
- Relax, smile and maintain eye contact when the interviewer is speaking to you.
- Try to match the style of the interviewer if they seem formal then adopt a formal response, and likewise if the interviewer is more informal then adopt an informal approach in response. Either way, act alert and interested.
- Sell yourself make it clear what you have done and what you can do that will benefit the company.
- Be prepared with answers for the questions you may be asked. Some common interview questions include:
- Why do you want to work for us?
- What do you know about our company and the role?
- What are your strengths/ weaknesses?
- What would you consider your biggest achievement?
- Why are you looking for a new role?
- What can you offer to the company?
- Ask enough questions to ensure you have the information you need to decide whether you want to pursue the role.
- Ensure your questions focus on the role and the company, and that you do not appear to place too much emphasis on the remuneration and personal benefit aspects.
- If you don't understand a question then ask for clarification rather than guessing.
- Don't talk too much keep to the point, but avoid one word answers too.
- If you want the job then tell them you are interested and let them know your availability.
- Ask what the next step is will the decision be made on the one interview, or will there be subsequent interviews?
- Thank the interviewer for seeing you.
- Avoid getting in to too specific a conversation about salary. This is a difficult discussion, and one that a recruitment consultant can have on your behalf. You are at risk of under selling yourself when we could negotiate a higher salary for you, or of over selling yourself and putting the interviewers off. A recruitment consultant will be able to give you an idea of what salary to expect prior to the interview, and will know the background of what that company will or will not pay for someone of your level.
After the Interview
- Telephone your recruitment consultant as soon as possible after the interview. The company will be calling them to discuss the interview and it will demonstrate your seriousness about the role if they have already spoken to you and can provide them with an immediate response. They will be able to give you feedback from the company too.
- Don't blow it all as you leave! Be polite to reception staff, don't light a cigarette as you leave the building, don't drop litter in the car park, or take off your tie as you get into the car. You never know who is watching, and some companies will ask reception staff for their impressions of you as you arrived and as you left.
Great advice.