Interviews can be a stressful time, and sometimes the pressure of being in an interview situation can lead us to come out with things that don't represent us the way that we intended!
Many studies have shown that negative information more strongly affects our evaluations of a person than comparable positive information. Don't let the odd blooper undo all of your good work in an interview. Below is a list of the 10 most common interview pitfalls, and how to avoid them.
What not to say...
- What salary are you offering? Where possible avoid discussions about salary in an interview. Bringing up the $$ question can make you look less serious about the role itself and too focused on the cash rewards. You will also put yourself into a poor negotiating position, where you may have to talk money without having first established if the company wants you on board.
- How much holiday do you give? Along with questions about sick pay, Christmas bonuses, and other perks, this sort of question can again cause the interviewer to question your commitment to the role - as well as wondering if you are the type of employee who will look at what they can take from the company and not what they can give.
- Am I able to work differently from how your team currently does? While there may be genuine reasons that you need to discuss alternative working arrangements with a prospective employer, be wary of requesting special treatment/ big changes before you have had a chance to see for yourselves how things work at that company. If you show too much resistance to working in a different environment then you may look as if you are unwilling to try something new or embrace change. You may also give the impression that you will be a demanding or high-maintenance employee!
- I notice that you pay less than your competitors, but that's not a problem as I know you are a small and growing company. Researching the company before interview is good. Comparing that company less favourably to their competitors is not! Try not to put the interviewer on the defensive - they won't leave with a warm fuzzy feeling about you.
- No, I don't have any questions. It is a rare interviewer that won't give you the opportunity to ask questions - so come prepared with a list! Saying that you have nothing to ask makes you look uninterested, unprepared, and unable to think on your feet.
- Weaknesses? No, none really... Come on! This is a common question, so prepare for it. Even the perennial favourite (?) "Actually sometimes I care TOO much" is better than announcing that you are flawless.
- What are your policies on smoking breaks/ drinking at lunch? You stood there with a cigarette/ drink in hand on company time is probably not the image you want to leave the interviewer with.
- In 5 years time? I see myself in your chair. This may have been great in the 1980's, but so were dungarees and spiral perms. It is better to talk through your realistic hopes and dreams for career progression, rather than trying to impress the interviewer with your bravado and naked ambition. And if you don't know - say so! But explain why you don't know.
- My last company/ manager did everything wrong. Be very careful not to criticise your previous/ current company or boss in an interview. The interviewer may appear very sympathetic, and may even dig for this sort of inside info (especially if you work for a a competitor), but afterwards they may wonder what things you will say about them and their company if things don't go as you want with them. Keep to the facts, and balance quantifiable negatives (e.g., "There are no management positions currently") with positives ('I have spoken to my manager about this, and while they understand my situation, there is nothing they can offer me at the moment.")
- I don't know. This is okay if you follow it up with a reason for this - e.g., "I don't know why I didn't get the other job, but I have requested further clarification from the company about this, and am expecting feedback later this week. If I haven't been successful then I always prefer to know why so that I can learn from the experience." Don't overuse "I don't know". An interviewer will soon lose interest in someone who is hard to talk to.
Good luck - and happy interviewing!
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